S U N S E T    J A Z Z    A R T    S E C T I O N


Sunset Jazz is a cultural event sponsored by the association Italia Nostra-Conegliano in the city of Treviso.
Every Saturday of May, 2022, a jazz concert is hold in Convento San Francesco in Conegliano Veneto. The live music performance Sunset Jazz also holds an Art Section, a series of solo art exhibitions and live painting of four different selected contemporary artists, curated by the art curator Simone Ceschin.


Sunset Jazz Art Section


Among the selected artists, the italian hyperrealism artist Valentina Diena, whose work is mainly characterized by the thorough use of colored pencils on paper. On show, taking place on 28th of May, her works You Are One of a Kind! (2021), Golden Dummy (2021), Censorship is Always A Missed Call (2022), and two of the three artworks from the Cyberbreath series (2021).



Sunset Jazz Art Section, Valentina Diena solo exhibition



  © Developed by Valentina Diena